Sooner or later, every leader runs into a wall of incompetence, weakness, or hubris. When that happens, do you derail from being a leader or learn from scraping your knees?
Bill Treasurer, best-selling leadership author, speaker, and consultant, believes the most difficult problem leaders face is finding the right midpoint between overconfidence and indecisiveness or weakness. Just about all leaders land on the wrong side of this tough balance at some point – and that’s when they get their asses kicked. But Bill wants to help you become a more effective leader by learning from your missteps and letting those hard knocks create moments of humility that can transform and refine your leadership.
Listen in as Bill explores:
- The first law of leadership.
- The importance of discomfort toward leadership growth.
- The “holy shift” and why it’s critical to your leadership success.
- The two leaders you don’t want to be (Pigheads and Weaklings).
- The relationship between goodness and greatness.
- Tips for gaining authentic leadership confidence and humility.
The post Becoming a Kick-Ass Leader first appeared on Lead Change.
The post Becoming a Kick-Ass Leader appeared first on Lead Change.